
"Words are flying out like 
endless rain into a paper cup 
They slither while they pass 
They slip away across the universe"

6 komentarzy:

  1. no i kul bo ciagle sie wylacza. nienawidze tego lasu XD

  2. Hi... I was just going through your info, and I have to say something... anybody who's interested in Photography is not boring at all :)
    Anyway, beautiful pictures!! If you ever want to Post one on me blog, let me know. All I ask is that you mention me or let me post one in yours. Hope to hear from you again.

  3. Those are great photos! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

  4. Próbowałam ostatnio zrobić zdjęcie zboża podobne do Twojego ale tło nie było takie ładne i nie wyszło:) Musze jeszcze popróbować:)
